I forget that my mania manifests itself in this loopy dirge of what I refer to as my 'Marie Antionette' phase. I call it thus because when I am in its grips I can often be heard muttering: off with their heads! I become convinced that everyone is an idiot and a waste of space. I want forced sterilization brought back to the table for discussion. I have been know to snap and yell at companies or individuals who fail to provide good customer service. Why customer service rankles me so, I do not know but I sometimes think that people who are incapable of connecting dots tend to be drawn to this profession. When I am in the grips of this cycle I find a passion in beginning conversations with others for the sole purpose of getting the other to see what an idiot they are. I am determined to make a point. I am invincibly right, violently correct, blindly driven, and unable to sleep. You might immediately think that because a chemical imbalance swirls through my blood I must therefor...
mostly gentle, sometimes turbulent