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What is the exact number of times one can be hurt, used or abused before one can righteously say: Fuck Off, and want nothing more to do with the person? If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and I've operated as a duck sanctuary in the past, am I not entitled to refuse entry to ducks if I have no more room?

If one has to talk to 100 people before finding 1 decent person, doesn't that mean one has to say: Fuck Off more often than not?

If you meet someone who introduces you to someone whom they rave about and you finally meet, and you instantly know they have discomfort because you are not white, what do you do? Do you tell the well meaning person that introduced you? Do you not tell the introducer so as not to hurt their feelings, or do you smile like you don't notice and just grin and bare the obvious discomfort of the person not liking you?

If you are the only one that makes overtures of friendship, in a one sided friendship, are you friends? If someone has your phone number, never calls you, but always asks why you never call, are you obliged to say something?

If everyone knows people of colour are treated differently, and you are more often than not treated differently, but the only people who seem to notice are other people of colour, should you make your only friends other people of colour?

What do you do when other people feel absolutely free to say what they are thinking, but when you say what you are thinking, you are told to 'let things go?'

When is it OK to not take the high road? When is the low road actually a shorter route towards getting where you want to go?

How many times can someone lie to you before you say: No more? Is there a time when lying is permissible?

If you're famous and slightly touched, why are you considered eccentric but if you aren't famous, you're just weird?

How do you meet people if the reality is you don't really like most of them? How do you meet someone who is on par with you, if the people on par with you, you find boring? What's the real reason behind people hooking up with others that are the same race? How do I meet masses of bi-racial people my age, if there aren't masses of people bi-racial people my age? Do I resign myself to being single and alone? Would it be my fault if I were?

If you're insanely curious and smart to boot, how do you learn to be quiet so others won't feel uncomfortably surprised by your obvious talents? What do you do with your mind and hands while you sit there acting dumb? What do you do when it seems hordes of people talk about endless bullshit that you have no idea about? Do you stare at the ceiling? Do you think of the monarchy until it passes? Bite your nails? Pick a nostril?

What do you do if you would like to make yourself more palatable to others, but you know that if you did it would mean a different day but the same old bullshit?

Where in the world are people like me?


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