Do you watch me on video or standing right in front of you, and notice that I too frequently touch my face or head? Do you see me constantly touch myself scratching at something you can't see? Do I look like I am forever removing a dust particle or irritated by an unseen thing?
It's called formication. And I can't stop it. It's unbearable.
I moved to Mexico and here they have these tiny, tiny ants that crawl across your skin, so tiny you can't see them. So tiny you have the sensation that something is crawling across your skin. These ants are real. Formication is the sensation that these same ants are actually there, and they aren't.
It's maddening.
It's enough to drive a sane person insane.
It's enough to think of suicide.
It's enough to want to claw yourself raw.
It's enough to invest in a magnifying glass just to double check.
I've had enough.
But before I go I double check to make sure it is not really ants and it is just me.
Formication. The chronic result of neuritis. Formication: an idiots explanation for sex.
It's called formication. And I can't stop it. It's unbearable.
I moved to Mexico and here they have these tiny, tiny ants that crawl across your skin, so tiny you can't see them. So tiny you have the sensation that something is crawling across your skin. These ants are real. Formication is the sensation that these same ants are actually there, and they aren't.
It's maddening.
It's enough to drive a sane person insane.
It's enough to think of suicide.
It's enough to want to claw yourself raw.
It's enough to invest in a magnifying glass just to double check.
I've had enough.
But before I go I double check to make sure it is not really ants and it is just me.
Formication. The chronic result of neuritis. Formication: an idiots explanation for sex.