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Showing posts from March, 2016


Anytime someone says something along the lines of: You are too sensitive (after they've said something you didn't like) what they are really trying to say to you is: I can't apologize so I'm going to make my idiocy your fault. If you receive a gift from another person and the person presents it to you stating: I really loved this, the odds are you won't. Most people buy gifts with themselves in mind and they buy what they like but can't rationalize buying for themselves. They never thought of you at all. You got a gift they like. People you can usually, without exception trust, do what they say they will do and do it over long periods of time (think years). People who are full of shit can't act nice over 90 days without busting at the seams with ugly. If you don't know if he/she or it, is good, watch for 90 days. Hint: most of them bust in 30 days or less. People who never reciprocate, even if they are nice, nice, nice, are users. They...

The Landscape Of Björk. Part Three: Big Time Sensuality

Twerking, if you think about what is being wagged in your face, can hardly be construed sexy. Half naked is passe. Legs spread wide is kind of vulgar. Bananas, whips, and microphones that suggest the sucking of male anatomy seems infantile to me at this point. And as a woman I am kind of infuriated that the woman's movement has seen twerking as a new kind of feminism. I don't want to train men not to rape me by wagging my genitals in their face and chanting "don't touch". I also don't think mimicking porn culture advances women. Finally, feminism is not, and should not, be something capable of being embraced only by a particular age group. True feminism values the input of women from all generations, not just the nubile. Clarity, directness, negotiation and honouring the self advances women, not the emulation of the worse qualities found in men. While I understand the theory behind exposing genitals and demanding no one touch, I think in the long run it really...

The Landscape Of Björk. Part Two: Shapeshifting

It was Carlos Castaneda who first introduced me to the term 'shapeshifting'. At fourteen I was given the first book in the series, The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge. Books, which today are hotly debated as to whether they are fiction or not, but books which nonetheless had a huge impact on my concept of the world. I remember distinctly feeling that there had to be truth in the concept of alternate realities. While I can not claim to have ever seen anyone shapeshift, I certainly have had my own personal share of unexplainable occurrences that transpire when I am sleeping and which come to fruition upon waking. They are always centered around death. I dream about someone specific, wake, and find they have recently died. I believe when people die, the spirit as we understand it, visits the people that have meant something to the departing life. Of course they are people close to me in some manner or having had some great impact upon me. They are never people I se...