Anytime someone says something along the lines of: You are too sensitive (after they've said something you didn't like) what they are really trying to say to you is: I can't apologize so I'm going to make my idiocy your fault.
If you receive a gift from another person and the person presents it to you stating: I really loved this, the odds are you won't. Most people buy gifts with themselves in mind and they buy what they like but can't rationalize buying for themselves. They never thought of you at all. You got a gift they like.
People you can usually, without exception trust, do what they say they will do and do it over long periods of time (think years). People who are full of shit can't act nice over 90 days without busting at the seams with ugly. If you don't know if he/she or it, is good, watch for 90 days. Hint: most of them bust in 30 days or less.
People who never reciprocate, even if they are nice, nice, nice, are users. They are usually, nice, nice, nice so you don't notice they are users.
If you know anyone who is rude or abusive to other people when they are with you, it is only a matter of time before they get around to you.
If you give an inch to someone and they take a mile the odds are they are waiting for a second chance so they can take everything else.
When you laugh or smile and show genuine joy you should see that joy reflected back in the faces of those that love you. They won't be able to control their own face when they see you happy. You will inspire them to feel joy too. That's a human reflex. When it is not there it is a sign of bad news coming down the pike.
It's always OK to talk about your period. Even around boys. And if you are ever in a situation where the girls outnumber the boys, all of you should talk about your period with lots of laughter. It trains boys, somehow, to get over it and it trains us to not give a shit about what boys think about our bodies.
Not all women, as a woman, should be supported. Some women just suck.
If you are in a relationship, make sure each of you is doing equal work in some department. The work doesn't have to involve money.
You show me where it is written that couples have to sleep in the same bed and I'll go along with the rule. I want to see the documentation first.
Wash your hands after entering a bathroom, especially a bathroom close by to the ears of your friends. Even if you went in there to reapply lipstick. There is something about we humans - we are always waiting for the sink water sound and when we don't hear it we silently begin praying you won't want to shake hands. OK, maybe that's just me.
When you have gut instincts about things, never ignore them, you will always be right, even if 5000 and one person says otherwise.
Never, ever think that silence and avoidance is better because you don't know what to say in certain situations (death, divorce, loss of a child, etc). All you have to say is: I don't know what to say, and the recipient will automatically know you care.