I'm happy. Things are getting done and dusted. Spoke to J and he will be here to visit me and Mexico soon. He and I have known one another since I was 20 and he was 27. I hope he moves here to keep me, and of course him, company in our old age. He likes animals.
Spoke to P who gave me a 70%-30% ratio of his odds of coming here. He's 80 plus now but I can't bear the thought of never seeing him face to face again. I'm the chick who'd be like the done in woman thrusting herself over the casket should he leave me. He was the, he is the, love of my life. The one man who got it all.
There is nothing more precious than being understood, seen and valued. All at the same time. I have his art near, a self portrait in particular, and glancing at it gives me comfort.
J! J my dear friend J just published her first book. A self published one. All I can say about it, and my readers know nothing about how I know J, is that finally I am reading a gorgeous, I mean gorgeous steam of consciousness story, that finally reveals her inner struggles. It's absolutely a brilliant piece of work. I have to talk to her first, run things by her, to see if she is comfortable having me promote her here. She's has inspired me as well to write what I never say. My memoirs.
I've been a lucky woman in my life. I once heared a baptist sermon given in Massachusetts. The preacher said: all those times you felt low. All those times you felt punched in the gut. All those times you felt you couldn't get up, it was God who took the death blow. I could have been an assortment of crazy, but I'm not. God took the death blow.
Spoke to P who gave me a 70%-30% ratio of his odds of coming here. He's 80 plus now but I can't bear the thought of never seeing him face to face again. I'm the chick who'd be like the done in woman thrusting herself over the casket should he leave me. He was the, he is the, love of my life. The one man who got it all.
There is nothing more precious than being understood, seen and valued. All at the same time. I have his art near, a self portrait in particular, and glancing at it gives me comfort.
J! J my dear friend J just published her first book. A self published one. All I can say about it, and my readers know nothing about how I know J, is that finally I am reading a gorgeous, I mean gorgeous steam of consciousness story, that finally reveals her inner struggles. It's absolutely a brilliant piece of work. I have to talk to her first, run things by her, to see if she is comfortable having me promote her here. She's has inspired me as well to write what I never say. My memoirs.
I've been a lucky woman in my life. I once heared a baptist sermon given in Massachusetts. The preacher said: all those times you felt low. All those times you felt punched in the gut. All those times you felt you couldn't get up, it was God who took the death blow. I could have been an assortment of crazy, but I'm not. God took the death blow.